Colourful string hoppers Recipe

Hi foodies, Today's recipe is about how to make coloruf string hoppers. This Sri Lankan dish, prepared in a slightly different way. We are  going to make colorful string hoppers from some of the natural ingredients that we can find in our day to day life. We used Gotukola for Green, Carrot(Orange), and Beetroot(Red).

Colourful string hoppers Recipe

Therefore these string hoppers are not only colorful but also very rich in nutrients. String Hoppers also known as Idi Appa. For their Breakfast and Dinner, most of the Sri Lankan usually eat the String Hoppers.It is made from Rice flour normally using warm water for mix and salt add for taste. This is good for your kids. This dish will add colour and a dash of contemporary creativity to your holiday dining at home. Watch the Video......

Try out, enjoy, and let me know your thoughts on the comment section.
